Monday, July 14, 2008


For those who don't know me, I have a very strange family! My dad has had many problems with bad habits and well my mom and I have really never got along. I have two brothers that at first I thought was going to be put in prison or dead before they ever got a chance to really live their life, but actually my youngest brother is now a father and has really turned himself around and you can really see that he's trying. My other brother is also doing better for himself but is still battling some issues.
Anyways... my mom and I had VERY recently had yet another out burst. She is the type of person that LOVES drama and I just can't take it any more! It's hard to say but I wish she would just forget that she has daughter!
She takes the littles things and makes them into the biggest things possible! I mean am I being to hard on her or what? She talks about ending her life every time something isn't going her way. And she's upset that I won't let her take my children anywhere yet alone over night somewhere! I mean it kills me because she's my mom but on the other hand this is the kind of stuff that I have dealt with my whole life!


Stephanie said...

I understand completely. I think it will be completely strange that my kids will grow up with JD's family and be able to spend the night with grandpa there, but not with their other grandpa. I really don't think he would want them to anyways, so I guess its a non-issue as far as like your mom calling you and being upset about your kids not staying with her and stuff.

Sometimes I wonder how any of us have managed to make it to adulthood with a sense of sanity and well-being!

cricket said...

It nice to have a friend that shares the same likeness in life as we do!
What would I do without you? :(
It kills me to be that way but what can you do!?

Anonymous said...

I understand what you mean, me and my sisters have always had to be the adults when it comes to my mom. She still to this day is the biggest drama queen I know. And yes it does hurt because she is your mom, but we want better for our kids and we don't want them to have to go through or see the things that we did growing up.

Steph is right how the hell did we ever make it, my guess would be the safety and sanity of our friends.

cricket said...

What would I of done with out you guys!!
I'll always Love ya gals!!