Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's that time of year...

It's Halloween time!!! This year is going to be soo much fun... I mean the past 5 years were great too, but this year is different for a number of reasons!! The kids have been looking forward to this for soo long. I mean it is a KIDS holiday after all! Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that adults can't have fun too! I guess my family time means more to me then going out and being a kid myself, but that's just me!! I was planning a Halloween Party this year..(a family party... games, contest and the whole bit), but with every thing going on, let's just say some things are more important right now! But next year is going to be a different story, especially since I already have everything!
I hope everyone has a happy and safe Halloween!!


Stephanie said...

So, if you don't tell me what all this stuff is that's going on I am going to bang my head into a wall....and blame you when the doctor asks me why I did it. I'll say "its Chrissy, she's made me batty!"

cricket said...

LOL.... we can't have that, now can we!!!