Monday, July 28, 2008

What did I do NOW....

I tell ya what... I have completely lost my mind!!! (and yes, I do that ALOT)
Saturday I registered for my fall classes. JD had to work so I had to take our kidos along for the ride, and you know they were the best kids
you could of asked for... think goodness! And just for the record... I wanted to just take a FEW classes but then when I got back home I received an awarded grant soo... well... let me just say I decided to add a few more classes to become a full time student again!! You would think I'm wanting to be punished!!!
Soo now I'm taking 4 classes online and 1 class on campus!
Sorry girls... I might not be much fun this fall!!! But I'm always still willing to give it a shot... LOL!! Hopefully I won't fail any...
Wish me luck!!


Stephanie said...

HAHAHA! Good luck sweetie! I am taking 5 classes this time also and thinking the same thing....what was I thinking? Maybe I'll see you again in December, after finals :)

Gone said...

You can do it! You are a smart girl. Go for the gusto!!! If you need help, just ask, I am here for ya!

cricket said...

Finals are a ways away....hAHa...hEHe!! (That me laughing like a cRAzY lady)
I'm glad I'm not the only nutso one out there!! J/K!!
I may need your expertise in PSY... since that is your major, so I'm guessing you may know a little about the subject!! You better see me before then chickie!!!

Thanks lady... it's nice that your always willing to reread all my papers... thanks... :) !! I'm really going to need that since I'm taking 3 classes were I'll probably be having a paper due every week!!! WHAT WAS I THINKIN!! I may have just lost what was left of my mind!!!